A Modern Parents Guide to Postpartum Mental Health: A Psychoeducational Workshop for Expecting Parents


This workshop aims to break down some of the most common ‘tender’ areas during the postpartum period and provide you with tools to support yourself and your family as you navigate this time in your lives.

The program is ideal for parents who would like to prepare and plan for their mental health and wellness during their postpartum period. Additionally, this program will lay the psychological and emotional groundwork for parents as they enter into parenthood.

What to expect:

  • Understanding and recognizing signs and symptoms of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders

  • Who am I now?: Honouring and facilitating identity transitions

  • Navigating Relationships as a new parent(s)

  • Caring for your Sleep and Family Health

  • Parenting Infants and Children

Workshop Date:
May 16th, 2023

Investment: $99 for individual parents and $149 per couple

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